New me Vs Old me

If you commit to being consistent, the old version of you will never be able to keep up, and the new version will be better than you ever thought possible.

"The Career you have chosen is fraught with opportunity, and laden with the bodies of those who have failed." -The Greatest Salesman in the World

I remember when Shannon and I started in this business.
First, we wanted to sell one property in one neighborhood
Then we wanted to sell many properties in many neighborhoods
Then we wanted to build something VERY different- a company that is known for actually SELLING real estate vs hiring agents.

Now we are a globally recognized name, building bigger bridges than we ever thought possible. 

The key wasn’t that we were inherently better than anybody else. It wasn’t that we inherited a database or business from somebody. It was, we were committed to excellence and consistency and trying to grow every single year. 

2023 is another year, where we look back, so proud of the people, the systems, and the processes that we have built without being attached to the outcome. 

What’s exciting is the version of PRIME you will see next year will be so much further ahead of what we think is possible today, because of the incredible people we have in the ecosystem and their commitment to consistent action over time.

It’s not easy, it’s not supposed to be. 

Slow is smooth smooth is fast. The key is consistent action.

Here’s a simple concept for you. When you get a new lead, the industry average for Initial contact attempts is 1.2. 
Statistically, the actual conversion happens at 6-12 attempts.

Keep it simple. 
Learn what to say.
Use the system.
Don't be attached to the results.
Review, and recalibrate.

You'll be shocked at what's possible. 


We are a locally owned full service Real Estate Company with worldwide reach. We save you Money, Time and simplify the transaction for you. No fridge magnets and calendars. Creating an environment where anyone can have the confidence to jump into the world of Real Estate without having to worry about a thing. Be it buying a home to raise their family for generations to come, open up a business and create employment or build/sell a dynamic Real Estate investment portfolio, we want them to know they have the skills, tools and experience backing them to get it done right.  

We are constantly innovating and are aiming to provide the best Real Estate service in the world.

Character Over Clicks: Why Integrity Beats Influence Every Time


How has Failure shaped your life?