What are you good at and what do you LOVE to do?

Someone asked me recently:

"What are you good at and what do you LOVE to do?"

I'm good at Real Estate, Marketing, and Strategy

I LOVE to create content and storytelling

This has led me to be able to sell using storytelling, new media, and content creation and has attracted a clientele that appreciates Real Estate market intelligence, Marketing, and Strategy and understands the impact of new media and how it can bring in 5-10 X the amount of attention and reach to their properties and projects than your typical MLS listing.

It has repelled clients who only want the cheapest option, as there's a difference between what you pay and how much money you make, and I want to work with those that care more about the NET they make- as it allows me to over-invest in them.

That said, there are models to serve others, and I think that's great. The KEY here is to understand this:

YOU are uniquely you.

How often do people become stuck thinking they need to become someone else to find joy, success, and purpose in their work?

I would argue the most successful and happy people on the planet have found a way to take what they love and combine it with what they are good at to find true success.

I'm a creator, I love cinematography, content creation, and marketing. Hence why it feels effortless and I can maintain energy in it. Because it fills my cup.

Maybe you love to travel.

Maybe you love events.

Maybe you love the art of the deal.

Maybe you haven't found it yet, but that's ok as well.

This week, I challenge you to put aside some time to think about this.

What are you good at and what do you LOVE to do?

If you can figure out those two things, everything else in your business becomes easy.

TELL me in the comments what those are for YOU.


For two reasons:

  1. It will help bring you clarity.

  2. It allows me to find people who would be a fit for YOU. I know a few people, so the only thing you have to lose by not po🚀sting is opportunity.

Let's GROW🚀


We are a locally owned full service Real Estate Company with worldwide reach. We save you Money, Time and simplify the transaction for you. No fridge magnets and calendars. Creating an environment where anyone can have the confidence to jump into the world of Real Estate without having to worry about a thing. Be it buying a home to raise their family for generations to come, open up a business and create employment or build/sell a dynamic Real Estate investment portfolio, we want them to know they have the skills, tools and experience backing them to get it done right.  

We are constantly innovating and are aiming to provide the best Real Estate service in the world. 


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